Can PVC Roof Sheets Resist The Acid Erosion?

  • By: xingfarooftile
  • Date: 2022/04/07

The formation of acid rain caused by urban air pollution and industrial waste gas emissions can be divided into “wet deposition” and “dry deposition”. The former refer to all atmospheric pollutants or particulate pollutants accompanied by rain, snow, fog or hail. The latter refers to the acidity of the dust that falls from the air on rainy days.

Whether “wet deposits” or “dry deposits”, acidic substances have a corrosive effect on all objects, especially metals. However, considering these acidic substances, such as PVC tiles are “protective umbrellas” to protect human health and property safety, and isn’t the safety factor high? Roofing materials play a decisive role, such as colored steel tiles, which are not suitable, especially in areas with heavy acid rain.





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